Sunday, May 17, 2020

Golden Tips Series : Chapter = 2 , '' Eating food the correct way ''. PART-1.

Tasty right?

So today I am going to start a new chapter '' Eating food the correct way ".

Everyday-Everyone-Everytime(me) people eat food, but are you eating that food in the correct way?

I guess No.

In ancient scriptures, it is clearly mentioned that we should not eat food. Amazing right? Shocked?
it is 100% true.

So, should you leave eating food from today? No.

Then why Ayurveda mentions this sentence in its book? 

That line looks stupid, but it's actually informative. Let us know.

Let us first know some basics about our digestive system.

When you eat any food, your body first converts it into the liquid, and then the further process takes place.

So from here, we are getting some knowledge about that sentence- If we drink any liquid, our stomach will not go through the liquifying process and the process of digestion will be easier.

But is that really possible to stay only on drinks? According to my perspective No.

So what to do? Where we will find a machine which makes juices of roti/chapatti?

I am here to clear your doubt.

  • You will not have to find any machine, because you already have that machine.
    and that machine is gifted by God, which we call TEETH.

Ayurveda suggests that we must chew our food at least 40 times, in other words,  chew your food until unless the food inside your mouth becomes fluid. Yes, it will take time, but it is not a wastage of time.

Many a time we come to here that, this food is this much nutritious and that food is that much nutritious but it is just a myth.
  • You get those amount of nutrition only when you take it in liquid/fluid form.
  • And the second factor on which it depends is your immunity.
There is a piece of good news for those who like fast foods.

  • If you follow the above process of eating food, you will be less harmed by those junk foods, because by this method almost everything gets digested and you will be healthy despite eating junk foods.

                                                         """" DRINK  FOOD """"

I hope you implement this process in your day to day life.

Thank you for investing your time for this valuable content.

More informative contents are in the queue.

Keep learning.

Keep reading.

Thank you. See you Again.

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